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Subject: Portraits of Jesus
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oubaas 30.06.09 - 07:28pm
Authority of Jesus

Jesus lived almost 2000 years ago, but even today people all over the world serve Him. We know this man primarily through four Bible books: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. First-hand acquaintance with these writings will help us understand Jesus and His message.

oubaas 30.06.09 - 07:29pm
This course surveys Mark's narrative of Jesus' life. As you study each lesson, please keep a Bible at your side so that you can verify what you are learning by the Scriptures. You will notice that Mark is divided into sixteen major sections (chapters), each of which contains small divisions (verses). When a notation like 5:12 is used in these lessons, you should look at the fifth chapter of Mark and the twelfth verse. *

oubaas 30.06.09 - 07:31pm
A couple of items before we get started: to profit most from these lessons, you need an open heart to receive what Jesus taught and did. Allow His words to direct you as you read. A prayer for God's guidance at the beginning and end of each study is recommended. If you don't understand something mentioned in this course or in your reading of Mark, please feel free to write your question down and send it to us along with your completed lesson. We'll be happy to answer it if we can. *

oubaas 30.06.09 - 07:31pm
John Prepares the Way

Read Mark 1:1-8.
Please read Mark 1:1-8 in your Bible before continuing the lesson. In the very first verse, Mark announced that he would write about Jesus Christ, the Son of God. It is surprising, therefore, that he did not start out by telling about Jesus Himself; instead, he described the work of John the Baptist. This was because John was to prepare the way for Jesus. John fulfilled this mission by preaching to get people ready for the coming of the Lord.

oubaas 30.06.09 - 07:33pm
John's message focused on two themes that will help us get ready to receive Christ. First, he preached about repentance. To repent means to decide to change. John was telling his hearers that they had to reverse their life's direction to get ready for Christ; those unwilling to change could not come to Him. Second, John declared the greatness of Jesus. He said Jesus was so great that he himself was not even worthy to stoop down and untie His shoes. This was an amazing declaration because one does not have to have much worth to untie somebody's shoes. In fact, in John's day, untying shoes was considered to be a slave's lowest duty - John wasn't worthy to be Jesus' humblest slave! So, for us to be ready to receive Jesus, we must repent (change our lives) and recognize His awesome greatness. *

oubaas 30.06.09 - 07:34pm
Early Events in Jesus' Career

Read Mark 1:9-15.
Just like thousands of others, Jesus came to John to be baptized. But as He emerged from the water, something startling occurred: The Holy Spirit came down upon Him in the form of a dove and a voice from heaven said, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. God was showing His approval of Jesus in a dramatic way.

oubaas 30.06.09 - 07:35pm
Then Jesus entered the wilderness where the devil tempted Him. While Matthew and Luke provide more specific information about the temptations (Matthew 4; Luke 4), Mark's brief account shows two things. First, Jesus experienced temptation as all men do. Second, doing what pleases God, as Jesus did when He was baptized, does not exempt one from temptation. Satan often intensifies his efforts when a person begins to serve God. *

oubaas 30.06.09 - 07:36pm
Jesus Calls Four Fishermen

Read Mark 1:16-20.
As Jesus walked along, He saw two of His friends, Peter and Andrew, who were professional fishermen. He asked them to follow Him and become fishers of men. At once, they quit their jobs and began following Christ. He next found James and John, and requested that they do the same. With no hesitation, they left not only their occupation but also their father, and began to accompany the Lord. Clearly, these men recognized Jesus' greatness. He was the one whose shoes John was unworthy to untie. God had specially acknowledged Him by His own voice from heaven. So when Jesus demanded radical action (to drop everything and follow Him), they responded immediately.

oubaas 30.06.09 - 07:37pm
Note -- Characteristics of followers of Jesus: These fishermen demonstrated the meaning of discipleship. When Jesus called, they: 1) acted immediately, 2) left both job and family, and 3) started following Him.
Christ calls today through His Word. When we perceive His greatness, we too will: 1) obey immediately all He says, 2) put Him ahead of everything, including our job and family, and 3) follow Him, allowing His example to direct every step.
People who know that Jesus wants them to change, but put it off, are not like these four fishermen.

oubaas 30.06.09 - 07:37pm
Jesus Amazes the Crowds

Read Mark 1:21-28.
Jesus' teaching astounded the multitude in the synagogue (a synagogue was like a church among the Jews). He taught with authority. He issued His commands as if He had the right to tell others exactly what to do!

oubaas 30.06.09 - 07:44pm
Jesus' actions showed that He really had the authority that He claimed. In this paragraph, He cast out a demon. How? By His words! Nothing more. When Jesus merely said, Be quiet and come out of him, the demon left the man. His words had authority even over demons. The calmness with which Jesus expelled demons reflected His power: He never argued or struggled or created a scene. He simply ordered the demons to leave and they left. No wonder people were amazed. He had demonstrated the credentials to prove His authority. *

oubaas 30.06.09 - 07:45pm
Note -- Need for authority: In every area, authority is essential. To determine distance, it is necessary to have a yardstick or standard of measure by which to calculate length. Thus, if someone wishes to know how long a room is, he measures it. There is no other way to know for sure. God has provided a yardstick in religion: Jesus and His words. When we wish to know whether something is right or wrong, we should evaluate it by the standard of the Scriptures. This should be done with every teacher and teaching - even this correspondence course. Therefore, you need to have a Bible at your side while you are studying, and continually refer to it to be sure that what is taught in these lessons is true. The Bible is our yardstick. *

oubaas 30.06.09 - 07:49pm
Jesus Heals Many

Read Mark 1:29-34.
Jesus came into Simon Peter's house and found his mother-in-law sick in bed with a high fever (see Luke 4:38). He spoke to her, raised her up, and the fever left her. She then began waiting on Jesus and the disciples. He also healed many others who were brought to Him.

oubaas 30.06.09 - 07:51pm
Several features of Jesus' healings are noteworthy:
* He healed immediately, with no delay.
* He healed everyone who came to Him regardless of their disease. (Compare Matt. 8:16,17; Luke 4:40,41.)
* He healed so completely that Simon's mother-in-law was able to get up and start waiting on them. After a fever breaks, it normally takes a few days for a person to recover his strength. Jesus' healings put people back as if they had never had their maladies in the first place!
* Jesus sought to avoid publicity. He ordered the demons not to announce who He was.

oubaas 30.06.09 - 07:52pm
Jesus Continues His Journeys

Read Mark 1:35-39.
Jesus frequently sought solitude for prayer. Prayer during the daytime was nearly impossible since the crowds continually pressed on Him, so He skipped sleep to be able to talk with His Father that He missed so much. After finally finding Him that morning, the disciples reported that everybody in the town where He had been was seeking Him. Nevertheless, since He wanted to be able to get the message to as many people as possible, He insisted on moving on to other towns.

oubaas 30.06.09 - 07:53pm
Jesus Heals a Leper

Read Mark 1:40-45.
Painful open sores caused everyone to dread leprosy. Those who contracted it were quarantined because the disease was highly contagious. In this story, Jesus did what no one else dared do - He touched a leper. When He did so, the man was healed immediately. His sores were instantly transformed into smooth skin. The Lord then instructed the cleansed leper to report his healing to the priest (a requirement of the law of Moses - Leviticus 13-14), but to tell no one else. The man, however, went out and told everyone - the exact opposite of what Jesus had said. Undoubtedly he was thrilled that he had been healed and probably imagined that spreading the news about Jesus would honor Him. But the fact remains that he did just what Jesus had said not to do. As a result, the Lord was thronged by such large crowds that He could no longer publicly enter into cities, but had to remain in unpopulated areas. We should learn a lesson: All disobedience, even well-intentioned, hurts Jesus' work.

oubaas 30.06.09 - 07:54pm
Opposition to Jesus Grows

Jesus Heals a Paralytic

Read Mark 2:1-12.
As a result of His teaching and miracles, Jesus' popularity grew rapidly. So many wanted to hear Him that they filled the house in Capernaum where He was teaching and crowded around it. Just then, five men arrived, eager to see Jesus too. One of them was paralyzed and the other four carried him on a stretcher. It was impossible for them to get in through the door, so they climbed up on the roof, dug a hole in it and let the paralytic down through the opening they had created. You can imagine the commotion among the crowd in the house below.

oubaas 30.06.09 - 07:55pm
When Jesus saw the faith they had demonstrated, He told the lame man that his sins were forgiven. That was probably not what the man had expected, but it is every man's greatest need. The scribes who were present thought Jesus had blasphemed because God alone can forgive sins. Jesus read their minds and asked: Which is easier to say--your sins are forgiven, or get up and walk? To prove His ability to forgive sins (something invisible and therefore impossible to verify), He healed the paralytic who then got up and walked. Jesus proved His power to conquer invisible, spiritual problems by overcoming a visible, physical problem. The crowd was dumbfounded. They had never seen anything to compare with Jesus. *

oubaas 30.06.09 - 07:56pm
Note -- Who will reach Jesus? Consider the five men as they approached the house in which Jesus was teaching. They had come in order to see Him, but their way to Jesus was blocked by a big obstacle: the crowd. Many would have simply turned around and gone back home. Not these men. They were determined, even desperate, in their desire to see Jesus. Their procedure, unroofing the roof, was radical but it worked. Even today, those who want to come to Jesus frequently encounter barriers in their path. The only ones who actually reach Him, are those who are absolutely determined and who refuse to allow anything to keep them from following Him. How determined to be with Jesus are you? *

oubaas 30.06.09 - 07:58pm
Jesus Socializes with Outcasts

Read Mark 2:13-17.
One of Jesus' more surprising actions was calling Levi to be a disciple. Levi had been a tax collector. In that era, tax collectors were viewed as both thieves and traitors because they used dishonest tactics to raise funds for the hated Roman invaders. Adding a tax collector to His inner circle was hardly a move that could be expected to increase Jesus' popularity! Later, Levi held a banquet in Christ's honor. He invited his friends: other tax collectors and sinners. The scribes and Pharisees were outraged because they thought it improper for a teacher of religion to eat with immoral people. When Jesus overheard their criticism, He asked: Who needs a doctor--the sick or the well? His purpose, He said, was not to call righteous, but sinners. The Lord never hesitated

oubaas 30.06.09 - 07:59pm
Jesus' Disciples Don't Fast

Read Mark 2:18-22.
Some of the Pharisees and disciples of John came to Jesus asking why He and His disciples didn't fast like other religious people did. Jesus explained by illustration. He said that no one would fast at a time of celebration, such as a wedding. His own presence on the earth made it a joyous time of feasting because He was the bridegroom. Since fasting should fit the occasion, it was inappropriate in this situation. He also explained that just as no one would put new wine in old bottles or a new patch on old jeans, it was equally out of place to put the newly revealed gospel of Christ into the old traditional forms of the Jews. Fasting was just not the right thing to do when the Son of God Himself was present.

oubaas 30.06.09 - 07:59pm
Disciples Break Sabbath Traditions

Read Mark 2:23-28.
The more popular Jesus became, the more outspoken His opponents' attacks. Jesus and His disciples provided easy targets for their critics, because they refused to follow the religious traditions of their age. Jewish tradition regarding the Sabbath day prohibited all activity, including plucking grain to eat, but Jesus and His followers ignored these cherished doctrines. When the Jewish officials criticized the disciples, Jesus defended their actions by noting His opponents' inconsistency: they justified David when he broke God's law, but they condemned Him when He merely violated men's traditions. Then He explained that God had intended for the Sabbath command to provide relief for man, not be an additional burden. Finally, Jesus proclaimed His authority over the Sabbath saying that He Himself was Lord of the Sabbath. If Jesus created the Sabbath, surely He knew what activities violated it.

oubaas 30.06.09 - 08:05pm
Jesus Heals on the Sabbath

Read Mark 3:1-6.
As their hatred of Jesus mounted, His enemies searched for every possible chance to attack Him, but He kept evading their traps. On this occasion, a man with a withered hand was in the synagogue. Jesus asked His opponents' opinion on whether or not to help the man, but they refused to reply. Jesus then told him to stretch his hand out. Apparently He neither touched him nor did any other physical thing--He merely asked the man to reach his hand out. When he did, it was healed. Jesus' critics were furious and began plotting to assassinate Him.

oubaas 30.06.09 - 08:05pm
Note -- To save a life or to kill: In 3:4 Jesus asked His opponents: Should one save a life or kill on the Sabbath? They chose not to reply, which showed that they were not interested in truth, but only wanted to discredit Him. It is always easy to find fault, but it is much harder to give a positive recommendation. Normally Christ healed men by laying His hands on them or performing some other physical sign. If He had accompanied the healing by physical action in this case, they would have attacked Him for doing medical work on the Sabbath, something contrary to their tradition. This time, however, Jesus did nothing--He merely told the man to reach his hand out. Even Jesus' enemies did not believe it wrong to stretch out your hand on the Sabbath. Thus, He outsmarted His opponents; they were furious. When a man in an argument begins to get angry, it is a sure sign that he is losing. As it turned out, Jesus' enemies are the ones who plotted to kill on the Sabbath, because He had done good. *

oubaas 30.06.09 - 08:07pm
Jesus' Popularity Grows

Read Mark 3:7-12.
Though Jesus frequently tried to withdraw, people followed Him from everywhere. He continued teaching, healing and casting out demons. While neither the crowd nor the religious leaders seemed to have recognized His true identity, the demons confessed Jesus as the Son of God. He declined their testimony, however, since He did not want the recommendation of the Devil.

oubaas 30.06.09 - 08:09pm
Jesus Appoints Twelve as Apostles

Read Mark 3:13-19.
Jesus needed to train apprentices to represent Him and preach the gospel after His departure. He chose twelve of His followers for that job. The twelve He chose were an unlikely bunch: included were four fishermen, a tax collector, a revolutionary (Simon the Zealot), a skeptic (Thomas), and a traitor (Judas Iscariot). Jesus proved that He could work with and make something out of even the most unpromising material.

oubaas 30.06.09 - 08:10pm
Accusations of Satanic Influence

Read Mark 3:20-30.
While Jesus' family thought He had gone crazy, the Pharisees charged that He accomplished His work through the power of the devil. They were desperately seeking to discredit Him and diminish His influence. Jesus' devastating reply silenced them. First, He said that it would be unreasonable and even disastrous for the devil to begin attacking himself. Civil wars don't produce strong kingdoms. Second, Christ explained that He had come to rob the strong man (the devil), taking from him the souls that had been under his control. Logically, He would need to disarm Satan to accomplish this goal, so expelling demons was a predictable facet of His strategy. Finally, He warned of the serious consequences of hardening one's heart to the point of blaspheming the Holy Spirit. These scribes were demonstrating a malicious and possibly fatal attitude toward the work of God.

oubaas 30.06.09 - 08:10pm
Jesus' True Family

Read Mark 3:31-35.
Jesus' physical family didn't understand Him. They came to try to talk to Him, perhaps to persuade Him to take a break. He refused to give them a private hearing, explaining that His family no longer had a special claim on His attention. Jesus' true family consists of those who hear and do His will. This incident shows that Mary had no special influence or privilege; Jesus treats all of His obedient followers equally.

oubaas 30.06.09 - 08:11pm
Summary: Jesus was continually under attack. He was criticized because He forgave sins, ate with sinners, didn't fast, didn't observe the religious establishment's Sabbath doctrines, and cast out demons. He never cracked under the intense scrutiny and pressure. Much to the contrary, He continually affirmed principles that are extremely important even for our service to Him: 1) the priority of forgiveness of sins over physical healing, 2) the importance of recognizing one's spiritual sickness, 3) the fact that fasting is to be done only when it fits the cir tances, 4) the uselessness of religious traditions, and 5) the critical danger of hardheartedly rejecting the work of the Holy Spirit. *

oubaas 30.06.09 - 08:13pm
Jesus Teaches in Parables

Parable of the Sower

Read Mark 4:1-20.
Please read this story in your Bible before studying the lesson. Jesus frequently taught in parables. A parable is a story with a spiritual application. Here, Jesus described a farmer who went out to sow seed in his field. Naturally, as he went along scattering it with his hand, the seed fell onto different types of ground. The harvest depended on the kind of soil where the seed fell.

oubaas 30.06.09 - 08:14pm
The disciples did not understand what Jesus meant, so they asked Him to explain. Jesus described four types of people who hear the word of the gospel. The first type is like hard-packed soil. These hard-hearted people do not let the word penetrate into their life; they reject it immediately because they have closed their mind. The second type is like seed sown in rocky places. The idea here is of a thin layer of topsoil covering a large rock. When seed is sown in such a place, it will germinate and grow in the shallow soil, but it will not develop deep roots. When the sun comes out and it doesn't rain for a few days, the plant will wither and die. This represents a person who eagerly receives the word, but doesn't develop roots through faith and Bible study. This person will not have the ability to withstand the temptations and persecutions that come along in life. Third, Jesus described the t soil. In this ground, the plant is overshadowed by taller weeds which suffocate fruit production. This soil symbolizes people who receive the word and although they allow it to continue in their lives, permit competing interests to dwarf it. These other influences may not be bad things in themselves, but they dominate the person's life so much that the seed can't bear fruit. Finally, Jesus described good soil in which plants bear abundant fruit. This soil represents Christians who are diligent in the service of God. *

oubaas 30.06.09 - 08:15pm
Note(1) -- Which soil are you? Everyone has a place in the parable of the sower. Jesus wants us to evaluate which type of soil we are. 1) Hopefully, we won't be the hardened, wayside soil. If we are, we will close our mind to the truth and refuse to allow the gospel to penetrate our heart and change our life. 2) Perhaps we'll be the rocky soil. On the surface we appear to be growing and serving the Lord enthusiastically. But we aren't deepening our roots through faith, through study and through a deeper personal relationship with Jesus Christ. When times become tough, we will fall away and others will marvel, because on the surface it looked like we were doing so well. 3) If we end up being the t soil, we will continue to be a Christian, but our life will be dominated by other activities and we will never have much time or attention to share with spiritual concerns. This is probably the most subtle danger, because the plant in t soil never completely falls away. As a result, we can soothe our conscience and believe that we are still doing OK, when in fact, we aren't bearing fruit. 4) Ideally, we will be the good soil that bears the fruit of righteousness for the Lord. *

oubaas 30.06.09 - 08:16pm
Note(2) -- Meditations on the seed: Jesus explained that the seed represents the word of God (Luke 8:11). There are many lessons that can be learned by the an*logy between seed and the word. For example, seed always produces after its kind. That is, rice seed always produces rice plants, corn seed produces corn plants, and pumpkin seed pumpkin plants. There are no exceptions. By the plant that results, one can determine what seed was planted. So it is in the spiritual realm. When the pure word of God is planted, the resulting plants are Christians. When you end up with other things--say Buddhists, Mormons, or Jehovah's Witnesses, you know that something besides the word of God was planted. To produce a Buddhist, you must plant the teachings of Buddha. To get a Mormon, the book of Mormon and the teachings of the Mormon church must be planted. Jehovah's Witnesses are formed by planting the teachings of their organizational headquarters, the Watchtower Society. What would happen if you merely planted the Scriptures, without mixing in any other teachings? *

oubaas 30.06.09 - 08:16pm
Seed never changes. It would be theoretically possible to eliminate pumpkin plants from the face of the earth. Yet if pumpkin seeds were preserved, someone many years later could plant them, and again produce pumpkins. So also in Christ. The seed is the word of God (1 Peter 1:23-25). Even if there had not been servants of Christ on the earth for a long time, when people returned to following the Bible only, they would become Christians. Our goal should be to reproduce pure disciples of Christ in the twentieth century, just like they were in the first. *

oubaas 30.06.09 - 08:17pm
Parable of the Lamp

Read Mark 4:21-25.
Jesus compared the Word of God to a lamp. It would be useless to buy a lamp, and then stick it under a bed. After all, a lamp's purpose is to illuminate--if you can't see it, it does no good at all. The Bible is a light. But it is useless if it remains closed on the bookshelf. In order to receive profit, we must open it up and read it.

oubaas 30.06.09 - 08:19pm
Although studying the Scriptures is essential, many read the Bible in vain, because they don't read it correctly. It is significant that in the middle of a text stressing the importance of hearing the word, Jesus emphasized the need to be careful how we hear (4:24). The fact that people who read the Bible come to markedly different conclusions about what it means demonstrates that many are not understanding it properly. Some are careless and simply don't put much effort into their study. Others twist the Scriptures intentionally, misinterpreting them to try to confirm the beliefs and practices they have already determined to follow. *

oubaas 30.06.09 - 08:19pm
Note -- How to study the Bible: There are some common sense principles that can help you understand the Scriptures as you study. First, learn to study in context. The Bible has two main divisions: the Old Testament (first 39 books) and the New Testament (last 27 books). The New Testament is the part that directly relates to us today since it contains the teachings of Christ and the apostles. The Old Testament gives the background of God's preparation of the Jewish nation for the coming of Christ. These Testaments are subdivided into books (66 in all). It is probably best to study book by book. This Bible course was designed to take a person through the gospel of Mark step-by-step. *

oubaas 30.06.09 - 08:20pm
You need to concentrate on what you read in the Bible to be able to understand it. Since each book is divided into chapters, it is helpful to approach your Bible study by working with a chapter at a time. Read through the chapter two or three times. On the first reading, work to simply discover what the chapter contains, but on the second reading, you can begin to try to an*lyze the main points. Keep a notebook handy. Jot down a note or two about the main ideas or events of the chapter. A notebook is a good place to write down questions that arise as you study. Writing them down so that you won't forget them allows you to progress in your study without getting sidetracked. Later, you can search for the answers to these questions yourself, or you can ask someone else to help you. Those who are mailing you these lessons would be happy to try to help answer your Bible questions. *

oubaas 30.06.09 - 08:20pm
Parable of the Seed

Read Mark 4:26-29.
Jesus said that the kingdom of God was like a farmer who planted a seed. That night he went to bed. The next morning he got up and tended to other responsibilities. Meanwhile, the seed germinated, began to grow and finally bore fruit. Jesus was teaching several things by this story. First, the one who plants the seed is not responsible for its growth; that is, the one who teaches the gospel doesn't control the growth of the word in the heart of the one who heard. Second, the growth of the word in a person's life is gradual. One does not hear the Bible today and become a mature Christian tomorrow. But if the hearer's heart is right he will allow the word to shape and mold his life step-by-step so that he can become the kind of person God wants him to be.

oubaas 30.06.09 - 08:21pm
,Parable of Mustard Seed

Read Mark 4:30-34.
Jesus said that the kingdom is like a mustard seed. The mustard seed is tiny, but grows to be a great shrub. So also, God's kingdom began in a small way during the ministry of an impoverished carpenter, Jesus, but gradually became a dominant world force. Christians' efforts to work for the Lord's kingdom may seem insignificant, but God is able to grow large mustard trees from tiny seeds.

oubaas 30.06.09 - 08:21pm
Jesus Does the Impossible

Jesus Stills the Storm

Read Mark 4:35-41.
Jesus consistently demonstrated His authority by doing things which were totally beyond human capacity. In this case, while the disciples were crossing the Sea of Galilee by boat, Jesus fell asleep on a cushion. A great storm arose, and the disciples panicked. In desperation, they awoke Jesus saying: Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing? He got up and calmly rebuked the wind and the sea. The storm ceased. He then turned to the disciples and reproved them for their lack of faith. Though they had seen Jesus perform many miracles, they were always amazed by each new one. They said: Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey Him?

oubaas 30.06.09 - 08:23pm
Note -- How well do we sleep? Considering the things that the disciples had already seen Jesus do, their doubts about His ability to quiet the storm are astonishing. They had seen Him heal multitudes of people, cast out demons and prove Himself equal to any task at hand. Suddenly, they despaired because of a storm on the sea. Obviously, they didn't really think Jesus could solve this problem because they were amazed when He did. How could they have been so slow and so distrustful? What about us? Do we not believe that Jesus can handle any situation, if we trust and obey His will? Have we not seen in the Scriptures how Jesus can solve every problem? How do we react when we confront a fresh crisis in our lives--do we trustingly and confidently turn to Jesus, or do we throw up our hands in despair? How well do we sleep? *

oubaas 30.06.09 - 08:24pm
Jesus Casts out a Legion of Demons

Read Mark 5:1-20.
When Jesus got out of the boat, a wild man met Him. The man, inhabited by thousands of demons, could not be subdued by human force, and so he lived as a savage among the tombs. The demons within the man were scared of Jesus. They asked Him not to send them out of the country (to the abyss, Luke 8:31). Instead, they wanted to be able to enter a nearby herd of swine. Evidently, if the demons had been expelled without having permission to go into another being, they would have had to return to Hell. No doubt it was better to inhabit a pig, if necessary, than to be sent back to that awful place. Surprisingly, Jesus granted the demons' request. They left the man and entered the pigs. The herd went berserk because of the presence of the demons within them, ran headlong and plunged off the cliff. The pigs drowned and presumably the demons had to return to the abyss. Perhaps they thought they had outsmarted Jesus when He allowed them to enter the swine, but the truth is, Jesus outsmarted them! In the end they had to return to the abyss--they merely took a roller-coaster ride to get there.

oubaas 30.06.09 - 08:24pm
Meanwhile, those who had been tending the hogs went into the city and told the townsfolk about what Jesus had done. What a tremendous opportunity for this small town to have Jesus present! They didn't look at it as an opportunity though; they asked Jesus to leave. The man who had been healed wanted to follow Jesus, but He told him to return to his home and start preaching. *

oubaas 30.06.09 - 08:26pm
Note -- They asked Him to leave! At first, it may seem incredible that the people of the town didn't want Jesus to stay. But think about what they had just lost: 2000 pigs. Some people owned them; some folks were planning to make money slaughtering, processing and selling them. He had hurt the town's economy. They evidently loved material possessions more than they loved Jesus; because of that, they missed out on the supreme privilege. They asked Him to leave. Do we ever invite the Lord to leave our lives because we love material things more than we love Him? *

oubaas 30.06.09 - 08:27pm
Note -- Jesus' surprising instructions: When the man who had been healed wanted to follow Him, Jesus gave him strange orders. He refused to allow the man to accompany Him, but asked him to return and tell about his healing in the city. There are two surprising things about this command: 1) Jesus didn't allow the man to accompany him. Putting myself in the demoniac's place, I can see why he would have wanted to be with the one who cured him; but Jesus said no. Would it not have been a wonderful thing to be in Jesus' presence? Certainly. But what Jesus preferred was for the man to testify of His work in the city. Sometimes God may not want us to remain in secure and comfortable surroundings, but rather go to the lost and preach. 2) Jesus normally was telling folks not to tell about their healings (see Mark 1:40-45). Why the sudden change here? Remember where Jesus was. He was on the east side of the Sea of Galilee. Jesus had not wanted to be thronged by spectators in the Capernaum area, west of the Sea, but in this wicked town, He was in no danger of becoming too popular. The people in this place needed someone to report the miracle. *

oubaas 30.06.09 - 08:27pm
Jesus Heals Woman with Hemorrhage

Read Mark 5:21-34.
A synagogue official named Jairus requested Jesus to come and heal his daughter who was dying. As Jesus was journeying to his house, a desperate woman in the multitude touched the Lord. She had been bleeding for 12 years, had gone to many doctors, and spent all of her money, but had only worsened. She thought that by touching Jesus she could be healed. Sure enough, when she touched Jesus' coat, she could sense that the flow of blood immediately dried up and she was well. Suddenly, Jesus asked who had touched Him. The disciples thought it was a strange question since there was a huge crowd thronging Jesus. Many had touched Him. But the woman knew what Jesus meant. Terrified, she came forward and confessed. Jesus reassured her saying that her faith had made her well.

oubaas 30.06.09 - 08:31pm
Note -- Why did Jesus embarrass her? Obviously, the woman with the bleeding was hoping to avoid publicity. She didn't make her presence known, but silently touched Jesus' clothes and was healed. Then Jesus put her on the spot by asking who touched Him. She was trembling as she admitted what she had done. Why did He draw attention to this shy lady? Perhaps there are two reasons: 1) If He had not, the woman would have believed that she had been healed by some sort of magic associated with Jesus' clothes. He wanted her to know that He had consciously healed her. Many touched His clothes and were not healed; she was healed by the will of the Lord. 2) If Jesus had allowed her to leave thinking she had stolen the healing, her conscience might later trouble her. By publicly identifying her, He was able to comfort and encourage her, telling her to go in peace. *

oubaas 30.06.09 - 08:31pm
Jesus Heals Jairus' Daughter

Read Mark 5:35-43.
During the delay caused by the healing of the woman, people came to tell Jairus not to bother Jesus any longer because his daughter had died. Jesus told them to believe and He continued on to the house. There, the mourners laughed when Jesus told them that the girl was sleeping. He wasn't denying the reality of her death, but was affirming that He would soon raise her; therefore, her death was more like sleep. He took only three disciples and the girl's parents, went into her room, and told her to get up. She did. The witnesses were astounded.

oubaas 30.06.09 - 08:32pm
Please notice the theme that runs through the stories in this section of Mark: Jesus can do what is humanly impossible. First, the storm. The disciples were desperate, but Jesus calmed it with a mere word. Then, the demoniac. Though many had tried, no one had been able to bind nor subdue him. Jesus expelled the demons with a word and the man returned to normal. Then, the woman. No physician had been able to heal her though she had spent all her money in the effort. With one touch, she was completely cured. Finally, the daughter of Jairus. When one dies, all attempts to cure the sickness end, because everyone knows you can't raise the dead. Jesus did. Four times in this part of Mark, Jesus entered situations that were humanly impossible and emerged victorious. *

oubaas 30.06.09 - 08:32pm
Rejection at Nazareth

Read Mark 6:1-6.
Jesus returned to His hometown of Nazareth. Despite convincing proofs that He was the Son of God, His own townspeople rejected Him. They knew His family and His background and they refused to believe that someone they viewed as a peer could be greater than they. Because the people didn't have enough faith to bring their sick to Him, Jesus healed few. The people in Nazareth forfeited an ideal opportunity to have the Lord with them.

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