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Subject: Portraits of Jesus
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oubaas 30.06.09 - 09:31pm
Observations on the Collection

Read Mark 12:41-44.
Jesus sat and observed people contribute into the temple treasury. He saw many rich people deposit large offerings. He also saw an impoverished widow give two small coins which were nearly worthless. The Lord explained that the widow had contributed more than the rich--she put in everything she had, while they had simply given their surplus.

oubaas 30.06.09 - 09:32pm
Note -- Jesus contradicts modern views of giving: Many modern churches seem to regard large donations more highly than small ones. Some honor wealthy donors in special ways and allow them more influence in church policy; occasionally they even ridicule small contributions as unworthy of the Lord. It is clear that the Lord Himself viewed giving in a very different way. He was unimpressed by the absolute size of the offering, whether large or small, but very concerned with the attitude of the giver. To Jesus, the gift of the widow, while having almost no monetary value, was worth much more than the large and impressive donations of the rich. We need to think of riches like Jesus did. *

oubaas 30.06.09 - 09:32pm
Final Teachings of Jesus

Jesus Warns of Coming Events

Read Mark 13:1-13.
As they left the temple area, one of the disciples pointed to the magnificent buildings and commented on their splendor. Jesus replied that they all would be torn down. This remark astonished the disciples and they asked when this would happen and what sign there would be of the temple's impending destruction. Jesus began answering by telling about some things that would happen before the temple was destroyed. He warned of false Christs, wars, natural disasters and great persecution. These events would be unsettling for the Christians, but Jesus assured them that they were not signs of the overthrow of the temple. It is remarkable that some people have taken these things that Jesus said were not signs of the destruction of the temple and used them to try to predict the date of the return of Christ.

oubaas 30.06.09 - 09:35pm
The Destruction of the Temple

Read Mark 13:14-30.
This paragraph is one of the most difficult in the gospel of Mark. Several things should be carefully observed: 1) Jesus said that all of these things were going to occur within that generation (13:30). 2) We know that Jerusalem and the temple within it were destroyed by Roman armies in the year 70 A.D. Contemporary reports chronicle Jerusalem's horrible siege and tell that thousands (possibly more than a million) died in the conflict. 3) Jesus warned the Christians to flee to the mountains. History records that the disciples fled to a mountain fortress near the Dead Sea. As far as we know, no Christians perished in that war. It always pays to listen to Jesus.

oubaas 30.06.09 - 09:36pm
Jesus Warns of His Return

Read Mark 13:31-37.
In verse 30 Jesus said that the destruction of the temple would occur within that generation. But in verse 32, He spoke of an event that would occur at a totally unknown time. He was referring to His own return and the destruction of the world. Not even Jesus Himself knew when that would occur. So, He exhorted everyone to be alert and constantly prepared His return.

oubaas 30.06.09 - 09:36pm
Note -- Practical lessons: 1) We should not believe anyone who claims to be able to predict the date of the Lord's return. If Jesus didn't know, surely no mere man does. Anyone who claims to be able to discern the time of Jesus' return by a careful study of prophetic texts is claiming to know more than the Lord Himself and should not be taken seriously. 2) Since we don't know when the Lord will come back, we should always be ready. If you knew for sure that the Lord would come back today, would you change some things in your life? Then why not just assume that He is returning today (for He might), and make the changes immediately. It is utterly foolish to procrastinate in our repentance. *

oubaas 30.06.09 - 09:37pm
Anointing of Jesus

Read Mark 14:1-11.
What contrasting attitudes toward Jesus! The chief priests and scribes searched for a way to kill Him. Judas offered to betray Him. But a single woman spent 300 days' wages for perfume which she poured over His head. The disciples criticized her for this extravagant act of love. They viewed it as a waste of money, and thought it would have been better to have sold the perfume and given the money to the poor. But Jesus defended her saying that she had anointed His body for burial and that in all the world people would tell of her deed.

oubaas 30.06.09 - 09:37pm
The Last Supper

Read Mark 14:12-26.
Passover was an annual feast commemorating God's sparing the Jews in the tenth plague on Egypt (see Exodus 11-12). Jesus sent the disciples to prepare the feast, then He ate it with them. During the meal, Jesus warned that one of them would betray Him. He was trying to prepare the apostles for the traumatic night to follow. The Lord also took some of the bread and grape juice of the Passover and said that it was His body and blood. In this way, He initiated the observance of the Lord's Supper, a feast that was continued by the early Christians (Acts 2:42; 20:7; 1 Corinthians 11:17-34).

oubaas 30.06.09 - 09:38pm
Note -- Is it I? It is interesting to observe the disciples' reaction to Jesus' prediction that one of them would betray Him. Each asked: Is it I? They were thinking of the possibility of their own fall. Unfortunately, this moment of introspection soon vanished and in the next paragraph they return to brash overconfidence. Surprisingly, they did not ask: Is it Judas? Apparently they had not observed anything in Judas' behavior during the months they had spent together that signaled that he was disloyal. When we read Jesus' warnings in the Bible, we also should ask: Is it I? *

oubaas 30.06.09 - 09:38pm
Jesus Predicts the Flight of the Disciples

Read Mark 14:27-31.
Jesus told the disciples that they would all fall away. Peter retorted that though the others might, he would never abandon Him. Christ replied that he would deny Him three times that very night. Again Peter denied it saying that he would even be willing to die with Him. Perhaps Peter's overconfidence was one reason he fulfilled this very prophecy a few hours later.

oubaas 30.06.09 - 09:40pm
. Jesus Prays in the Garden

Read Mark 14:32-42.
Jesus took His disciples into a garden and asked them to watch and pray. He told them that He was deeply distressed. He went a little farther and prayed that God would take the cup of suffering away from Him. Jesus knew how terrible His death would be. He asked, however, that God's will be done above all. Each time He returned to His disciples, they had fallen asleep. Jesus wrestled with His griefs and fears alone, without human support.

oubaas 30.06.09 - 09:40pm
Note -- The true suffering of Jesus: This paragraph reveals Jesus' deep grief as He thought about what He was going to suffer. He knew exactly what was about to happen and He dreaded it. Was He thinking only of physical pain? Crucifixion certainly was an agonizing experience--the victim slowly suffocated as he grew gradually weaker and finally unable to pull his body up against the nails to breathe. But others have suffered similar executions with less dread than Jesus. There must be something Jesus feared besides pain. Several passages teach that Jesus bore the sins of the world on the cross (Isaiah 53; 1 Peter 2:24; 2 Corinthians 5:21). He suffered the punishment for man's sin, which was spiritual death, separation from God. His greatest agony was being cut off from His Father on the cross (study Mark 15:34). Because He suffered this punishment of utter separation from God, His faithful followers will never have to. *

oubaas 30.06.09 - 09:42pm
Jesus Is Arrested

Read Mark 14:43-52.
Judas had bargained with the chief priests to betray his Master. He had promised to lead them to the place where He spent the night, away from the crowds. Although Jesus knew the plan, He went again to the usual spot where He knew Judas could easily find Him. A troop of soldiers with the traitor leading the way interrupted the calm of the night. Judas kissed Jesus, a signal that it was safe to arrest Him. One disciple tried to defend Jesus by sword, severing the ear of a man in the arrest party in the process (see Luke 22:50-51; John 18:10-11 for more details). But then the disciples lost their nerve and fled. Jesus remained alone with His captors and Judas.

oubaas 30.06.09 - 09:43pm
Jewish Trial of Jesus

Read Mark 14:53-65.
Though it was very late at night, Jesus was brought before the Jewish supreme court and tried. They bribed false witnesses who told contradictory stories about Him. For a time, it appeared that the court would be unable to find consistent testimony by which to convict Jesus. Finally, the high priest asked Him if He were the Christ. When Jesus said, Yes, they used this statement as evidence of blasphemy and convicted Him. Then they spat on Him, mocked Him and beat Him.

oubaas 30.06.09 - 09:43pm
Peter Denies Jesus

Read Mark 14:66-72.
Peter had slipped into the courtyard to watch the trial. Various people began to recognize him. A servant-girl asked him if she hadn't seen him with Jesus. Peter claimed not to understand what she was talking about. Then she began to tell others that he was a disciple and he flatly denied it. Finally, others noticed his Galilean accent and accused him of following Jesus. With this, Peter panicked, vehemently denying Jesus, even asking God to curse him if He knew the man. The crew and Peter remembered Jesus' warning. He came to himself with a sickening awareness of the horrible deed he had done. He rushed out and began weeping in despair.

oubaas 30.06.09 - 09:44pm
Note -- Failure of the disciples: The disciples failed Jesus miserably in His hour of greatest need. They fled. Peter denied Him. Why? They had been such loyal supporters. Think back upon contributing factors in their failure: 1) They hadn't listened when Jesus had frequently warned them of His impending suffering. They had been too eager to argue about who would be the greatest in the kingdom. 2) They were overconfident. Earlier that evening, Jesus warned them that they would flee, but they didn't believe it. 3) They didn't watch and pray in the garden as He instructed. Thus, they were not mentally prepared to face the challenge. We could fail in the hour of temptation for these same reasons. *

oubaas 30.06.09 - 09:44pm
Jesus Death, Burial and Resurrection

Jesus on Trial before Pilate

Read Mark 15:1-21.
Please read each section in your Bible as you study the lesson. Although the Jewish leaders had tried Jesus and convicted Him of blasphemy, they led Him to the Roman governor Pilate for yet another trial. The Jews did not have authority to carry out sentences of capital punishment that were determined by their own courts; capital crimes had to be tried by Roman officials. Thus, very early the next morning they brought Jesus to Pilate, hoping that he would concur with their decision. They accused Jesus of many things, but He remained silent. Pilate was amazed that He didn't try to defend Himself. The governor perceived that this was not really a question of criminal action, but that the Jews were jealous of Jesus. Therefore, he made several attempts to release Him. He was eager to appease the Jews, however, and was unable to persuade them that Jesus should be released. Though he did not believe Jesus was guilty, he ended up sentencing Him to death because he feared the start of a riot. Roman soldiers scourged Jesus, mocked Him, and led Him out to be crucified.

oubaas 30.06.09 - 09:45pm
Note -- Physical suffering of Jesus: Jesus suffered intensely in his last few hours. After being up all night, subjected to the stress of six different trials (if we compare the accounts in Matthew, Luke and John also), He was scourged. Scourging was accomplished by tying bits of bone, metal and glass to a whip and then striking the victim's back. This procedure produced excruciating pain, much loss of blood and sometimes even death. The victim's back became a blood mass. After scourging Him, they took thorns, wove them into a crown, put it on Jesus' head, and began to beat on it, causing intense pain. They put a scarlet robe on Him [see Matt. 27:28; Mark's account calls it purple], only to later rip it off, undoubtedly tearing open the blood-dried wounds on His back in the process. Then came the crucifixion. In an execution of this type, they would literally nail the criminal's hands and feet onto a piece of wood and then set it upright into a hole. To breathe, the victim had to continually raise himself so that his lung cavity could expand. Pain and fatigue would begin to diminish the effectiveness of this effort and the lungs would begin to fill with fluid. As exhaustion took hold, the victim would be slowly asphyxiated because of a lack of oxygen and finally die. *

oubaas 30.06.09 - 09:47pm
Jesus' Crucifixion

Read Mark 15:22-41.
It was a standard act of mercy to give a narcotic to condemned criminals when they were crucified. The drug would dull the pain a bit and allow the victim to pass away more comfortably. Jesus refused this tranquilizer. He was determined to suffer in full consciousness.

oubaas 30.06.09 - 09:47pm
The ridicule grew. The soldiers who guarded the cross gambled for Jesus' clothes. Bystanders laughed at the idea that He could rebuild the temple when He couldn't even save Himself. Come down from the cross, they taunted, and we'll believe in You! Some Jewish officials standing nearby smirked that He had been able to save others, but was powerless to save Himself. Even the two thieves who were executed on either side of the Lord ridiculed Him. *

oubaas 30.06.09 - 09:48pm
From noon until 3 p.m. the sky was dark. Shortly thereafter, Jesus cried out in anguish, using the very words of Psalm 22:1: My God, my God, why have You forsaken Me? Then after a few more minutes, He cried out again and died. At that moment the temple veil split in two, and a centurion who was observing exclaimed, Truly this man was the Son of God. *

oubaas 30.06.09 - 09:48pm
Note -- The majesty of Jesus' death: There were multiplied ironies in the events of those final hours. As they ridiculed Jesus saying that He had saved others, but now couldn't save himself, they were unaware that He was fully capable of saving Himself, but that if He had, He would not have saved others. He died voluntarily. He had at His disposition thousands of angels that could have rescued Him, but He deliberately chose to lay down His life because He loved us. Jesus had the power to do anything He wanted against His tormentors, but he subdued all desire for revenge and actually prayed for God to forgive those who were treating Him so cruelly (Luke 23:34). By dying as He did, Christ provided the sacrifice that would forgive men's sins. Therefore, the temple veil was torn in two from top to bottom. The veil had blocked access to God's presence--it was a symbol of man's sin. Since Jesus' death atoned for sin, the veil was severed, demonstrating that with sin removed men could once again enter into fellowship with God. Truly, this man was the Son of God! *

oubaas 30.06.09 - 10:01pm
Jesus' Burial

Read Mark 15:42-47.
Joseph, a prominent Jewish official and secret disciple of Christ (see John 19:38), asked Pilate for permission to bury Jesus' body. He had to act quickly since according to Jewish law He could not bury the body on the Sabbath day, which officially began at sundown. He gathered the corpse up in a sheet and put it in a hole chiseled into the wall of a cave, which served as a typical grave in that era. He closed off the cave by rolling a large rock over the entrance.

oubaas 30.06.09 - 10:01pm
Body is Missing!

Read Mark 16:1-8.
A few loyal women had prepared spices and went out to Jesus' tomb early on Sunday morning. They were planning to embalm His body in order to give it a more honorable burial than had been possible in the few minutes that had been available on Friday afternoon. As they walked down to the cave, they thought about how hard it was going to be for them to roll that large rock away from the entrance of the burial cave. When they arrived, however, they saw that the rock had already been removed and the cave was open. Inside, an angel told them that Jesus had arisen and was on His way to Galilee. He asked them to tell the disciples and Peter. The women fled away very frightened.

oubaas 30.06.09 - 10:02pm
Note -- Tell the disciples and Peter: The angel told the women to invite the disciples and Peter to meet Jesus in Galilee. Since Peter was himself a disciple, it seems unusual that he would be singled out and receive a special invitation. Perhaps it was because the Lord knew that Peter would no longer feel himself worthy to be counted as a disciple after having denied Him, and therefore, Jesus gave him a special invitation to the meeting. What tenderness the Lord showed! *

oubaas 30.06.09 - 10:02pm
Jesus Commissions the Disciples

Read Mark 16:9-20.
The disciples had never expected to see Jesus again. They watched Him die and knew about His burial. They were very sad. Because of this, the news of the empty tomb and Jesus' appearances seemed too good to be true. They refused to get their hopes up. Later, when He did appear to them, He rebuked them for being so slow to believe. Then He gave orders for their future work, telling them to go everywhere and preach the gospel to all. He told them what to preach: The one who believes and is baptized will be saved. He gave them signs to confirm their message.

oubaas 30.06.09 - 10:03pm
Note -- He that believes and is baptized shall be saved: Jesus set forth the conditions of salvation. He requires faith and baptism. Unfortunately men of our day have tried to eliminate one or the other of these two requirements. Some try to eliminate faith. They teach that infants, who are too young to believe, should be baptized. But Jesus' order was belief first, then baptism. Throughout Scripture only those who believed and repented were considered qualified for baptism (study Acts 2:38, 41; 18:8; John 6:44-45). Others teach salvation by faith only, without baptism. But Jesus clearly said that baptism was a requirement to receive salvation (see John 3:5). In accordance with this command of Jesus, the apostles insisted that water baptism was a prerequisite to receiving forgiveness of sins and the new life in Christ (Acts 2:38; Romans 6:3-4; 1 Peter 3:21). *

oubaas 30.06.09 - 10:03pm
The gospel of Mark closes with a note about the results of the great mission Jesus entrusted to the apostles. After He had ascended back to heaven, they went out and began to preach everywhere, just like Jesus told them. The Lord blessed their revelation of the gospel message with signs to confirm it, just as He said He would. *

oubaas 30.06.09 - 10:04pm
Mark's story of Jesus is over, but we hope that your study of Jesus' life and teachings is not. Besides Mark, three other New Testament books tell about Him: Matthew, Luke and John. Perhaps now you would like to begin to read them to learn more details of His story. Or, perhaps you prefer to continue your study by learning the story of how the apostles began to take the gospel all over the world: read the book of Acts. Bible study is a great journey and your adventure has just begun. Please be sure that you meditate and reflect on the great message of the Word of God as you read, and make sure you apply what you learn to your life. *

oubaas 30.06.09 - 10:04pm
**** Note from Oubaas: I have learned a lot from this study! *

oubaas 30.06.09 - 10:05pm
Also posted at: OPPIE KOFFIE *

gawie 22.04.12 - 04:37am
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